Enviamos a todo el mundo: ventas@1050grados.com / worldwide shipping: ventas@1050grados.com

Somos una cooperativa de alfareras y alfareros del sureste de México, trabajamos unidas para acercarte a la belleza de nuestra milenaria tradición. Con nuestras manos, amor y paciencia, creamos objetos de elegante sencillez, hechos de barro y nacidos del fuego.

We are a potters cooperative from southeast Mexico and together we work to bring you closer to the beauty of our millenarian tradition. With our hands, with love and patience, we create simple and elegant objects, made of clay, born from fire.

The colors of 1050° are the colors of our land, of its rich geography of hills and slopes, of its flavors, smells and textures.

“1050° is one of our favourite projects, they inspire us so much to listen to their story and to look at their pieces, each one made with love and by hand, and the passion of creating quality pieces to help others”.